When administering the MMSE, use of serial 7s produces a more reliable score.
Most women with fibromyalgia have a variant of sleep apnea when carefully tested, and their symptoms improve with CPAP treatment.
The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension diet, which suggests high intake of fruits, vegetables, and low-fat diary products, has been shown to favorably affect blood pressure in Stage 1 Hypertension as well as pre-hypertension.
The FDA has approved the combination of ezetimibe and simvastatin for the treatment of hypercholesterolemia. This combination product provides different mechanisms of action for lowering cholesterol.
Annual, or less frequent, surveillance intervals are effective for aneurysms < 45 mm in diameter.
Question: The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recently issued guidance to surveyors on interpreting the final EMTALA rule, and one of the points stated that EMTALA no longer applies when the physician determines that no emergency exists. Does this mean that EMTALA no longer applies once the patient has been treated for the presenting emergency and that emergency no longer exists, but then another condition arises or the patient complains of something new?
A new strategy for hastening treatment for heart attack victims is being tested in a mountainous California county where drive times to hospitals often are long, and the lead researcher says it could become a way for EDs to be their communitys leader in cardiac care.
This is the radio public service announcement that Baptist Memorial Health Care in Memphis, TN, uses to educate the public about alternatives to using the ED for nonurgent care.